let's talk about the code.
let's talk about the code.
Do you want to attract, engage, support and retain more high performing women?
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You’ll Need to Break the Gender Code
The Gender Code describes the inherent gender biases that maintain outdated stereotypes and prevent women from achieving their dreams and success in work and life.
It’s Structural and it’s Personal.
Unless you break the Gender Code, your organisation will continue to struggle with:
– diversity and inclusion overwhelm
– your leaders take a tick box approach that misses the mark and creates disengagement
– high turnover and loss of critical female talent, causing the loss of clients, revenue and reputation.
The fact is, without in-house experience and knowledge in this highly specialised area, you risk significant business risks.
Why the Gender Code?
To drive premium business performance.
You know that having women in leadership positions is an essential part of a diverse and inclusive culture, becoming an employer of choice and meeting business critical KPI’s and objectives.
But the truth is, if a person doesn’t believe in themselves, their value or that they are truly supported, they will not bring all of who they are, their potential and their unique contribution to the table.
Danielle Dobson uses her research-based Code Conversations™ framework to empower the women and men in your organisation to help you expose, decode and recode gender biases in the workplace.
And the result?
You will develop a company-wide playbook that finally unlocks your organisation’s greatest untapped resources to drive premium business performance, while gaining buy in at all levels.
work with me.
Unlock the unqique contribution of your high performing women
Motivate, inspire, and educate your team to harness their unique skills and strengths, and empower true advocacy for a more inclusive culture where everyone feels they belong.
Co-develop best-practice strategies and programs that get buy in at all levels and an improvement in attraction, retention and reputation.
Co-design bespoke events that embody inclusiveness, engagement and build the foundation of internal capacity.
Strategy & Advisory.
1:1 or small group sessions with your team to break their individual Gender Codes, then formulate simple solutions to catapult their performance and careers.
"By helping women and men to understand the impact of the Gender Code, they can recognise the full set of gifts they bring to home, work and the community."- Danielle Dobson
professional speaking
Empower leadership at the individual level
As a leading speaker, Danielle talks about finding your “success code” in business. She shares learnings from her research interviewing 100+ high performing leaders and professional coaching clients on how to build inclusive workplaces, and how creating a sense of belonging is key to personal, professional and business success.
She is an expert in helping people in business, in particular women, overcome the stress and overwhelm of high pressures. Danielle helps audiences to find out why, and how to fix it by equipping them with adaptable strategies.
Her fresh and unique approach stems from her successful background in finance and leadership across globally in male-led work environments across Australia, the US & the UK. She’s even gotten her hands dirty on a steel mill in central Italy!
Empower your team with her adaptable strategies, and give them to the tools to thrive amidst ever-evolving workplace dynamics.
the code book.
Breaking the Gender Code: How women can use what they already have to get what they actually want
Do you want to feel as though you can have the career you have always sought and still be fulfilled in all of your roles? It may feel impossible to achieve at a high level in everything you do but perhaps the pursuit of perfection and taking an either/or approach is getting in the way.
What could be driving the high expectations and pressure is the Gender Code.
In Breaking the Gender Code, we explore the codes we live by, so we can break them and create a new, bespoke code, that will use what we already have to get what it is we actually want.
People who are talking about us!
“I really appreciate the ideas presented in the book. It makes me reconsider the way we ask questions, present ourselves, and think, so that we can show up with confidence, authenticity, and still bring with us the valuable strengths that we are naturally good at, like empathy, compassion, and collaboration. It’s about discovering our own voice and listening to the voices of others, using it as an instrument for change, reconciliation, and the noble causes we are passionate about…thank you very much.”
“…even though this book was specifically written to support and empower women, there are gems inside that will assist the journeys of everyone who take the time to read/listen, along with the obvious benefits to men of substantially improved awareness and understanding.
Now, I’m a guy, but I’m the father of two girls, the grandfather of another, and the “elder statesman” at Omni Recruit, an organisation with dominant female representation, and I want to understand the challenges and the opportunities women face in navigating successful careers as part of full and rewarding lives.
…there is a trove of empirical research across each chapter that provides the reader with valuable information, personal insights and practical tools, that if adopted and adapted…can move the reader towards getting what they actually want.”
“Danielle presents from a position of authority with her wealth of experience in business and as a mother. Brimming with positivity, she really expresses her passion for breaking the Gender Code,” – Tony Holmwood
“Danielle puts the idea of breaking the Gender Code in a totally relatable way. I love that the idea came out of the mouth of a child! Awesome presentation,” – Su Temlett
“Your passion, knowledge and delivery was exceptional for our members. It is always fabulous to listening to a meaningful keynote, but truly memorable to witness the audience relate and engage,” – Sarah Lisle, Research Entities at University of Wollongong
“The insights from your research and your counsel have been invaluable in helping us not only define the event itself, but in thinking about what helps and hinders our approach, always with outcomes and impact at the forefront of your guidance. It was a pleasure to have you host our Women in Leadership event,” – Carly Little, General Manager – People, Safety & Sustainability at Workwear Group
“Danielle Dobson is an authentic, inspiring and talented leader, speaker and facilitator who exhibits the qualities of a true change agent. Her intellect, communication style and insights influence teams and individuals who have the opportunity to hear her speak, or who participate in her powerful programs,” – Lyn Hawkins, Managing Director at Business Women Australia
“For years as a working Mum of 3 children I struggled with the guilt of not being the ‘stay at home’ Mum that my Mother was. Instead I had a stellar corporate career which brought our family significant comfort and choice and took me all over the world. Despite the fact that my husband was a wonderful work from home Father and was always there for our daughters, my Mummy guilt pursued me and I never shook the deeply ingrained belief that it was really my job to do all the nurturing and that I somehow had to fit all that in around the edges. No wonder I often felt like a failure.
After reading this book I know why I felt like this and that there is another, better way. Danielle Dobson has written ‘Breaking the Gender Code’ for every woman that has felt the way I have. She has uncovered not only why we feel this way, but also given us a framework for choosing a different path in defining our own code. A code that is unique to us, one that will serve and support us and our families and not damage us with shame and guilt.
If you’re a working Mum please read this book, it could set you free. If you’re interested and invested in supporting working Mums and helping them live into their full potential at home and at work please read this book. If you’re interested in the societal norms that govern our world today, read this book. Breaking the Gender Code can help us all understand what is holding us back from living the lives we really want and empower us to design our own codes, because we are all uniquely and beautifully different.”
“Danielle Dobson’s book “Breaking the Gender Code: How to use what you already have to get what you actually want“ makes an important contribution to women, families, and society. Like understanding the structures and illusions that allow a magic trick to appear ‘magic’, understanding the gender code helps us see the beliefs and structures that put so much pressure on women.
Thankfully Danielle goes further than that, providing a framework for each of us to envisage, create, and live our own code. This book is powerful! “
“I read this book to help me understand the challenges facing the women in my life. I found many of the elements enlightening and am confident it will help me be a more supportive person. The book makes a valuable contribution that helps us think about what is really true about ourselves and others and what are just the things picked up along the way by accident of our sex, culture or nationality. Identifying that these are not intrinsic to us is the first step in being able to make a change. Unexpectedly, as a working co-parent I also found myself identifying with most of the challenges of the “Lean In” generation of mothers and found myself ticking a good portion of the female characteristics which make up the Gender Code.
The most impactful section for me was the last section which helps in identifying how to make the changes in our life, using what the author called the CIRCLE approach. I won’t go through it all but will mention that it starts with determining your Core purpose. This makes a lot of sense as only by knowing the Core purpose will you be able to make the decisions and compromises you need to in your life as you manage the conflicting demands of work and family.
The book is a good reminder that life can be a challenge for women. But whether intentionally or not I think the true message transcends the challenges of being a female and is instead about the challenges of being human, if you strip away the code we are not that much different. Not just for women and mothers, you should buy this book if you are a parent who wants to work how to make a meaningful contribution at work whilst also making the time to develop flourishing little humans.”
“What an insightful book! Danielle Dobson’s thorough research of more than 50 top women leaders in business who are also lead parents sheds light on how the gender code play out in our work and home lives. Her framework for writing your own code so that you can feel more engaged and learn to thrive is so valuable. A wonderful book for anyone wanting to find a better way to balance work and family.”
“The Gender Code dissects the embedded societal beliefs that busyness and productivity equal worthiness. It is a fantastic book for women, especially busy working mums who constantly feel like they are juggling 15 balls all at once. I found it to be an easy read that contains loads of practical advice. I know I will refer back to it again and again, and gain new insights each time.”
“Danielle has a warm and personable style that invites the reader in and lets them know they can trust her. I love the way Danielle asks so many questions in the book allowing readers to come up with their own answers.
Every time I dip into your book I think back to my days as a hands-on mum. I think how differently I would have mothered if a book like yours had been available 25-30 years ago. I think too of how my mum mothered and how different things could have been for us kids if she knew this stuff as well.
My childhood and my kid’s childhood were safe and as good as possible given what my mum knew and what I knew. But I’m glad for my grandies who are being raised differently because their parents see life differently.”
“Congratulations on bringing your research in a way that is so clear and relatable. Thanks for taking the time to interview women who are saying so much of what the rest of us are thinking.”
“Breaking the Gender Code contains lots of helpful support for women, suggesting ways they can bring their lived experience as mothers to work and their lived work experience to their parenting. Both women and men have missed being human, (being, feeling and doing what is right for us) in falling into the coding and stereotypes that society has provided to us.
Breaking the Gender Code can open our eyes to being part of a more human future.”
“There is so much in your book that I resonate with. I only highlight in books that really have an impact on me and that I want to read again. Your book is getting the highlighter treatment!! This highlighted sentence [“If you realise how important you are, can you dial down the busyness, release some of the pressure and take your focus off productivity?”] has had a great impact on me as its been what I have been trying to do in the last few years and am only now beginning to feel comfortable with having that mindset.
I have a couple of friends with whom I can have some great chats about many things you talk about in your book.
I feel that through talking about our challenges we can support each other and help each other manage our individual challenges.”
“Danielle’s book is like the bible to women issues. So much to unpack, learn – something for everyone. Danielle must’ve spent so much time learning, listening, organizing her thoughts. What powerful knowledge to have? Bravo mama!”
Danielle is warm, friendly and non-judgmental. She has a certain calmness and positivity about her. She actually makes you feel like you can achieve anything. Danielle helped me uncover what was there all along. Any feelings of insecurity and self-doubt were soon replaced with feelings of energy and positivity. My sessions with Danielle have enabled and encouraged me to make changes at work, set goals and be excited about achieving them.
Raelene, Business Systems Analyst
I would highly recommend Danielle as a Coach. Her questioning skills are first rate and she really places emphases on challenging the client comfortably to think outside the norm. Danielle also helped me focus on the ‘Why’ rather than just the ‘how’. Danielle is very intelligent and personable and this combination is what makes Danielle a sought after coach.
Helen, Career Coach
Danielle’s warmth, humour and empathy immediately made me feel relaxed and together we worked out what I wanted to achieve and what has been stopping me in the past. There was never any judgment and she never told me what I should do. Danielle asked questions until I came up with the answers. The change came from within me so it felt safe and achievable.
I feel I am at the start of an exciting journey and I can’t wait to see where I go next!
Belinda, Senior Coordinator Marketing, Media and Communications
Danielle is an exceptional coach. She holds space masterfully and brings curiosity, positivity and warmth to the discussion, allowing me to find my own answers and feel joyful about my decisions. I’d highly recommend working with Danielle if you want to grow toward a happier, more productive and more powerful life.
Melanie, Founder
Your passion, knowledge and delivery were exceptional. It is always fabulous to listen to a meaningful keynote, but truly memorable to witness the audience relate and engage.
Sarah Lisle, Manager Special Projects (Wellbeing), JCI Australia National President
Once in a while you cross paths with someone who introduces you to a whole realm of new possibilities. For me Danielle is one of those people. As a GP I had to learn how to care after myself the same way I cared for my patients. Now I see that my wellbeing isn’t just an outcome but the starting point.
Mark, General Practitioner
Danielle’s knowledge, professionalism, enthusiasm and clear commitment to her clients and business partners is exemplary. Her support on a pro bono basis has helped us to develop a unique, Australian-first program focused on supporting mothers to raise respectful sons. Simply, Danielle empowers women to understand, support and drive themselves, by identifying and using each person’s individual strengths and dreams.
Sally, General Manager at local Women’s Health Centre